What Can You Do About All This? That’s Where We Can Help.
At Dolce Vita Renewed Vicky will support you in finding the best way for you in this labyrinth of confusing information available on the net. This topic is Vicky’s passion not only because she was looking for the best lifestyle during her menopausal transition but as a beauty therapist she was keen to find a more natural alternative to plastic surgery and injections to preserve skin tone and vibrancy as well.
She has returned to university studies, where she was immersed in the intricacies of scientific research, navigating PubMed and other databases, and understanding how to evaluate the latest quality evidence-based peer-reviewed studies for finding the best natural way to manage the many decades of menopause. Studying for six years part-time with her family and business life she has obtained a Bachelor of Health and Science in Nutritional Medicine qualifying her as a Clinical Nutritionist. Vicky will guide you toward the precise vitamins and supplements targeting your individual needs.
Furthermore, this natural and holistic approach to menopause looks at the GUT (everyone looks at the gut! It is such a central cause for all, right?!). If constipation is present due to any reason, hormones like our own estrone or those of MHT get reabsorbed and metabolized (and remetabolized) by the liver. This is important, because in some individuals these hepatic by-products may increase the risk of reproductive malignancy, such as breast and ovarian cancers, which makes it so imperative to look at diet and lifestyle independently if hormone therapy is supplemented or not. Unfortunately, there is a still not yet bridged gap between medical science and complimentary lifestyle therapy (or more like symptom treatment and prevention), when it comes to female hormones and digestive metabolism, but this relationship is crucial to understand the effects of the microbiome or “estrabolome” on the female hormone balance.
Estrabolome? …and what that is?
Sounds like something out of Alice in Wonderland, right?
Estrabolome are/is specifically combined colonies within our huge range of intestinal and colonic bacterial communities, which are specialized in maintaining the dynamic equilibrium of the female estrogenic household. It influences our mood, sex drive (energy levels) and weight. If it gets out of balance “disequilibrium” the risk of cancer especially estrogen-positive breast cancers increases. This estrabolome must work for, not against us.
In summary, only a finely tuned and well-maintained body can stay in balance and youthful well-being over 52, choosing the “natural way” only. Must know all the fine details and be armed with all the right weapons to fight the ghosts and the monsters that may jump out of the bushes of ageing and hormone insufficiency. Seeking expert nutritionist help is the best way to go for these Amazons. It can be done!
Should I still get Hormones? Who Should I Turn to? Which One Should I Choose?
If the natural is not enough, Vicky has also become a member of the Australasian Menopause Society which is the official body helping doctors keep up with the latest on Menopausal Hormone Therapy. She has attended medical-level hormone conventions to find out about the “ins and outs” of hormone therapy to help herself and her clients. The medical profession is still divided on what exactly is the “right way”. Pharmaceutical standardised or compounded and individually tailored? Both offer benefits and have weaknesses. Body-identical or Bio-identical?… that is the question. Every doctor is biased in their own choice of the “right” solution. Vicky will give you the “bird’s eye view” so you can make your own enlightened and educated choice.